February 09, 2006


Original Airdate: 2.7.06

Yummy. That's how I feel during and after watching an episode of "Scrubs." I love the whimsical sense of humor, the chemistry of the cast and usually the stories. Sometimes the stories feel forced or are annoying. Sadly, episode one of the two episodes aired on Tuesday was one of those.

The storyline and JD's new love interest was ok. Mandy Moore is sooo adorable and just happens to be the artist behind my wedding song. However, she's just a so-so actress, and with this ensemble, you can't be so-so and not stick out like a sore ankle. That being said, that storyline was still ok. I loves me some Zach Braff and so does Mandy.

The other story about Carla and Dr. Cox was slightly better. Carla worships Dr. Cox (without admitting it) and respects him so much, that discovering he doesn't have a solution for a mdeical problem was a shocker for her. In addition, his side story about no longer wanting to kiss his son due to his age was done very well. It's been well-established that Dr. Cox has father issues - both with his and with being one - but his pure love for his son has never been in question. When he gives in at the end and kisses him all over, I felt all warm and yummy inside. Yummy! (By the way, does Christa Miller Lawrence's son play their son??? He looks just like a combo of Bill Lawrence and Christa...but I can't find anything on the Web. Oh Internet, WHY HAVE YOU FAILED ME?? If my non-existent readership can weigh in on this, that'd be great.)

So, the annoying storyline award goes to the "air band." Sure, it was a kick to see Donald Faison demonstrate his ample dancing skills, but come on...so lame. Why is that funny? I ask you Bill Lawrence, WHY?

The second episode of the evening continued the Mandy Moore love affair. JD has a history of dumping girlfriends for stupid reasons, so he was on the verge of doing so again....however, his friends staged a pretty funn intervention and he managed to hang in there. Later in the episode as he was getting passed his immaturity, he proclaims that he thinks she could be "the one" and she promply says "Dude, I'm 23. I don't even think about stuff like that!" OK, a couple of things...1) Zach Braff and Mandy Moore are dating in real life. I have to guess (without checking imdb because I am lazy) that age difference is accurate - she's around 23, while he's around 30. I wonder if that is a "real issue." But I've pretty much quickly dismissed that since Zach Braff is all crazy famous/sexy/cool now and likely has no plans of settling down. So really, it's all a moot point.

But I digress, as usual. He dumps her after finding out she's not thinking long-term. The end of Mandy Moore. Now, did they cut her guest stint short because she sucks as an actress? Or is she just soooo very busy with her guest stint on Entourage that she had to toodle out of there? I suppose we'll never know. But Oh Mandy, I will always love you...

Scrubs is so cool! If you don't watch it, start immediately. Because I swear, if they cancel this show, I'm coming after every one of you.


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